
The Opera Games crew (almost) presents:

Coupling, the Game

I’m sure you’re all wondering what I’m about to unveil! Well, you’re going to have to wait a bit longer to find out. In the meantime, I can tell you a bit about Coupling. It’s a party board game of finding your best match, be it a friendly or a romantic one. You find them in a world of brand-new creative challenges, daring questions and awesome mechanics that sure haven’t left me unmoved! And I’m confident they won’t leave you unmoved, too.
Make sure to keep an eye on our blog posts to find out more.

– Lorenzo

If you want to find out more about us, our creative process and other random things we come up with



Meet all of us in one place

The Team

Klemen Gorenšek, Lead Game Designer

Opera singer, marketing and media expert, and a true board game fanatic.

Lina Rahne, Project Overseer

Jazz singer and teacher. Great at critically assessing issues. Nothing slips by her unnoticed.

Lorenzo Parpignol, PR Spokesperson

Opera fanatic and toymaker. Cartoonishly funny, innovative and too convincing for his own good.

Lan Rahne, Creative Writer

Fresh communication and media graduate. Focused on ways to create meaningful relationships.

Jernej Myint, Illustrator

Architect-turned-illustrator. As joyful as his art (and maybe in some way related to Lorenzo).

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Happily supported by:

Naložbo sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj.

Naziv operacije: Razvoj in preveritev koncepta družabne igre Coupling, the Game

Finančna podpora: 15.000€

Predmet projekta: Razvoj novih izdelkov

Namen projekta: Razvoj inovativnih idej, podjetij oz. projektov s področja KKS

Cilj projekta: Spodbujanje nastajanja in delovanja podjetij, predvsem start-up podjeti

Projekt je del javnega razpisa »Spodbujanje kreativnih kulturnih industrij – Center za kreativnost 2020 – 2021« (JR CzK 2020- 2021)
Sklop A1 – SEME: Preveritev koncepta

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Naložbo sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj