
All About Myint, Our Amazing Illustrator

A Nice Photo Of Myint

Our dear Myint started his career as an architect. But, as it turns out, planning, designing and constructing buildings just wasn’t the path destined for him. He soon jumped way past the real world and landed in the world of illustration. When an international jury in South Korea awarded him with an illustration award, he knew what his calling was.

After that, he’s been purely drawing. Not just for publishing companies, magazines, marketing campaigns, but a whole lot for himself, too. And this path has taken him all over Europe, from Portugal to Poland, from cartoons to children’s picture books. He has presented his works at Slovenian, Serbian and Polish biennials of illustration in the last two years.

Seeing him as a person, it is immediately obvious that his art matches his personality to the fullest. Although he joined the Coupling team fairly recently, he fits in just as if he was with us from the start – because of him, we are finally nearing the final look of Coupling! Loving, caring and always up for a good time, Myint and his illustrations bring joy everywhere they end up. He loves to draw singular moments in time and then let the rest of the story up to the imagination of the viewer.

Oh, and you can check out his work on his Facebook, his Instagram, or his Behance page.

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