
Who Said You Need Couples To Play Coupling?

Everyone can play Coupling, not just Couples!

Looking at its name, Coupling seems like a game made exclusively for couples. And if you look at the gameplay, it can still seem like it’s made for couples. And couples can very well enjoy the game, too! But the point of the game really isn’t just coupling in that sense of the word, though.

Play it with your neighbors, friends or family!

You might have a fun backyard party for a bunch of your friends or a small family get-together. Either way, you can be sure that Coupling will make the hangout seem almost effortless! Before you know it, your aunt Lucy will be bonding with your partner over their shared love of watching pimple popping videos on YouTube (and you’ll be asking yourself what have you gotten yourself into).

Or anyone, really!

Or, you might find yourself in a hostel with lots of new people you want to meet, or even at a company team-building party. Whip out that Coupling and you’ll soon find a way to bond with whoever you’re playing with! You can make the initial step of getting to know someone fun and completely casual.

Connection is essential.

What is essential to the whole Coupling experience, is connecting with your co-players. That can be on a romantic or a completely platonic level. It really doesn’t matter, in the end. What matters is that you get to know each other – and have lots of fun along the way!

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