We’ve been quarantined for quite a while now, and it hasn’t been the easiest. Less social interaction has left a mark on many of us in the last year. Let’s look at what we can do to combat this epidemy of loneliness.
Being alone ≠ being lonely
While being by ourselves might seem like the most dreadful thing in the world, it really isn’t all that bad. Only when we’re by ourselves we can really get to know ourselves. Take this time and try to understand your thoughts. Really get to know them. No judgement, don’t try to say “this thought is good, this thought is bad” or “I shouldn’t be thinking about this!”, just let your thoughts be. Realize that your thoughts are just that: thoughts, nothing more. You’ll soon find that being on your own isn’t half as bad as you thought it was.
Connect with the nature around you
Go outside! If you live in the city, go to a park. If you live on the countryside, go to the woods. And just experience nature in all of its purity. Studies show that going outside and experiencing nature has a range of impacts on our cognitive function and health. From better memory to improvements in attention, impulse inhibition, and overall mood. So why not use this to your advantage!
And then, connect with Coupling!
And, when we finally overcome the situation we’re currently in, connect with your friends. Connect with them in a pure, non-clinging way. Really listen to them and find out more about them and how they think and feel. And here, we can help. We’ve designed Coupling especially so that you can connect with your co-players in a fun and exciting way. When it comes to it (and when the game is finally out!), give it a shot and see for yourself!