

Be on track with whatever we’re up to!

May 7, 2021
Get Ready! We’re preparing something big for you! Firstly, a complete remodel of our digital look. Not just that, though! You’ll finally be able to see how Coupling, the Game looks like! Just a few more weeks After months of setbacks and issues, it’s finally just around the corner. You…
April 30, 2021
Has this ever happened to you? You’re hanging out with a friend. You’re talking about various things, and there isn’t really anything wrong with the conversation itself. But, you find yourself wanting something more. You can’t quite put a finger on what it is. When the hangout is over, you…
April 23, 2021
The jigsaw puzzle. It holds a special place in the hearts of millions of people around the world. There’s something relaxing and meditative about assembling those little pieces. About slowly and satisfyingly getting to a full picture. Even if so often at least a few pieces are missing! But what…
April 16, 2021
Activity is a German board game that is pretty popular throughout Europe. We remember playing it since we were teenagers. You play it in teams and try to get to the finish line first with your team. Along the way you have to compete in various challenges, from charades to…
April 12, 2021
Chances are that when you’re playing board games, you don’t always have an even number of players. That might be a problem with games that need to be played in teams – The singles are bound to feel left out. With coupling, that’s not a problem at all! Rather, it…
April 9, 2021
We’ve been quarantined for quite a while now, and it hasn’t been the easiest. Less social interaction has left a mark on many of us in the last year. Let’s look at what we can do to combat this epidemy of loneliness. Being alone ≠ being lonely While being by…
April 6, 2021
You and your partner got through the third stage, and it seems like this is it: you’ve already won! Right? Well, not really. Not just yet. There is one more hurdle that you have to overcome: The Finish Line. How do you get through the Finish Line? First, you pick…
April 2, 2021
Looking at its name, Coupling seems like a game made exclusively for couples. And if you look at the gameplay, it can still seem like it’s made for couples. And couples can very well enjoy the game, too! But the point of the game really isn’t just coupling in that…
March 29, 2021
And now, we’re nearing the end of the game. You are now in only one couple! There is a change of objectives in this stage: you must put yourself into your partner’s shoes. Divide and Answer First, every couple has to divide into groups A and B, so that half…
March 26, 2021
So pretty recently, we’ve had a bunch of possible visual representations of Coupling. But, they were quite drastically different from each other! We couldn’t decide which look we liked the most, so we issued the Coupling visual survey! We wanted to see what the so-called outside perspective on the game…
March 22, 2021
The fourth minigame is called Recipes, and it’s all about food! If you’re looking for a short run-down of the second stage of the game and its other three minigames, click here, here and here. To start, you take the card and roll a D6 die to see which word(s) you’ll get.…
March 19, 2021
So, a group of friends comes over to your place. You’re getting ready to celebrate something or just to hang out after a while. You bought some drinks, set the place up, and now you’re thinking of a fun way to start your night right. How about Coupling? It’s very…
March 15, 2021
For a short run-down of the second stage of the game and its previous two minigames, click here and here. Today, I’ll tell you all about the third minigame: Charades with Sounds! You start in the same way as the previous two minigames. You take the card and roll a D6 die…
March 12, 2021
We still have a laugh every time we play Cards Against Humanity (CAH). The way this game manages to pull hilariously offensive ideas out of players is still completely unmatched. It seems like it really is a party game for horrible people (it even says so on the box!). Which…
March 8, 2021
As we‘ve already mentioned, the Contest (stage two) cards consist of multiple challenges: Mumbling, Shape Drawing, Charades with Sounds and Recipes. The cards are shuffled, so which challenge you get is entirely up to chance (like the order in which we’re posting these minigames). Let’s check out the Shape drawing…
March 5, 2021
So, I’ve been thinking: Coupling is a game of connecting with people, whether you’re already friends with them or not. And what’s the first step of making a connection with somebody? Starting a conversation, of course! And as we all know, that usually isn’t the easiest thing to do. So,…
March 1, 2021
In the stage two of the game, you’re now coupled with two of your co-players, making every player part of two couples. The person that first finished stage one takes one of the Contest (stage two) cards and reads it to his two partners. They have to compete who will…
February 13, 2021
Our dear Myint started his career as an architect. But, as it turns out, planning, designing and constructing buildings just wasn’t the path destined for him. He soon jumped way past the real world and landed in the world of illustration. When an international jury in South Korea awarded him…
February 9, 2021
In the stage one of the game, everyone starts out as single. Your first objective is to couple up with two co-players through interesting questions. For example: What have I always wanted, but never got… on a date? You ask the question, everyone else answers it, and then you choose…
February 6, 2021
He writes the blog posts and writes the game cards. And he does many other things along the way. He’s fresh out of university, where he studied the effects digital media has on the way we think. Lan is determined to find the best ways for people to have fun…
January 30, 2021
We could also call Klemen the loving father (and mother) of Coupling. He has a degree in media communication, and started his career in photography, marketing and journalism. However, he was also a good singer. When he won the national singing competition, he knew he had to do something about…
January 18, 2021
You may have wandered onto our page because you’ve heard of Coupling, the Game. And on our page, you may have noticed a large banner saying Opera Games. And by then, you may have been a bit confused. Well, let’s try to clear up that possible confusion. Opera Games represents…
January 11, 2021
You know that feeling when you’re playing a new board game, and while you’re having fun the first half of the game, it can sometimes get repetitive when you’re nearing the end? Well, we know that feeling all too well. That’s why we’re making sure that Coupling keeps you on…
January 11, 2021
Oftentimes, party games completely focus on one aspect: fun and only fun. But only fun can only be fun for so long. Coupling merges fun and depth! It assures that you not only have a great time carrying out fun challenges, but also learn something new and profound about the…
January 11, 2021
When I tell my friends that I’m making a party game, they immediately ask me to describe it. My first response is that it feels like some sort of of party moderator/host that gives out fun challenges, asks interesting questions, makes sure that you get to meet your friends better,…

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