
The Shape Drawing Game: Stage Two, Minigame Two

Shape Drawing Minigame Cards

As we‘ve already mentioned, the Contest (stage two) cards consist of multiple challenges: Mumbling, Shape Drawing, Charades with Sounds and Recipes. The cards are shuffled, so which challenge you get is entirely up to chance (like the order in which we’re posting these minigames). Let’s check out the Shape drawing game.

It’s time to get visual with this minigame! When you pull the card, you have to roll a D6 die to see which word you’ll get. If you roll a 6, you can choose which word you want. When you have your word, you then try to describe it to your two co-players, who have to draw it. But, there’s a catch! You can only give your instructions in terms of geometrical shapes!

For example: You get the word radio and you try to describe it by instructing your co-players to draw a rectangle with two circles on either sides of its interior, a small rectangle lying on top of the larger one, and a short line sticking out of the top-right side of the large rectangle. Aaaand while you might think you’re perfectly describing the object, your co-players might not have the same idea in their head (cue example):

Shape Drawing Attempt

Whoever figures it out the fastest (or at all), moves a step ahead with you! If no-one figures out the word, it’s the next player’s turn.

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