

About Lina, Our Creative Sieve And Devoted Project Overseer

A Nice Photo Of Lina

Lina is a god-damn jazz singer and singing teacher. She has been singing since she was a little kid, and finished THREE high schools (two at the same time). A general one, a musical one in playing the classical violin, and then one in jazz singing.

After that, she enrolled in the art university of Graz and continued her jazz singing studies. While studying there, she recorded her own album Love Lines and performed all over the place. Actually, she graduated twice: first in jazz singing, and a few years later the pedagogical field of jazz singing, too. She has sung and acted in operas and in musicals (had a lead role in Mamma Mia). Not just that, you might have seen her on the stage with the world-famous group Laibach (yep, the ones that had a concert in North Korea), and with many more musicians.

She opened her first business three years ago, not only so she could teach singing and perform herself, but she also started many other art projects, involving video production and photography. Lina is a perfectionist, very rational and very critical, she is an infallible asset for the team. Whatever we do with the game always goes through her and we only continue with it when she gives her blessing.

All About Myint, Our Amazing Illustrator

A Nice Photo Of Myint

Our dear Myint started his career as an architect. But, as it turns out, planning, designing and constructing buildings just wasn’t the path destined for him. He soon jumped way past the real world and landed in the world of illustration. When an international jury in South Korea awarded him with an illustration award, he knew what his calling was.

After that, he’s been purely drawing. Not just for publishing companies, magazines, marketing campaigns, but a whole lot for himself, too. And this path has taken him all over Europe, from Portugal to Poland, from cartoons to children’s picture books. He has presented his works at Slovenian, Serbian and Polish biennials of illustration in the last two years.

Seeing him as a person, it is immediately obvious that his art matches his personality to the fullest. Although he joined the Coupling team fairly recently, he fits in just as if he was with us from the start – because of him, we are finally nearing the final look of Coupling! Loving, caring and always up for a good time, Myint and his illustrations bring joy everywhere they end up. He loves to draw singular moments in time and then let the rest of the story up to the imagination of the viewer.

Oh, and you can check out his work on his Facebook, his Instagram, or his Behance page.

Meet Lan, The Guy That Takes Care Of The Blog

A Nice Photo Of The Blog Guy Lan

He writes the blog posts and writes the game cards. And he does many other things along the way. He’s fresh out of university, where he studied the effects digital media has on the way we think.

Lan is determined to find the best ways for people to have fun and get along. But what he really wants in life is to live as true to himself as is possible. Above all, he wants to fully understand what he feels and accept himself in his entirety. That means his good thoughts, his bad thoughts, his worst thoughts, all of it. And he’s not stopping there: He wants to help others achieve this. He wants to make Coupling a catalyst for great parties and establishing (or evolving) valuable relationships. Hence, he makes sure to keep that in mind whenever he’s coming up with new ideas for the game.

Besides writing the Coupling blog, his favorite hobbies include reading books he doesn’t understand, tricking himself into thinking he understands them, playing guitar, and running. Thoughtful, with an eye for detail and a knack for understanding emotions, he fits into the team almost effortlessly.

(And yes, I did just write a blog post about myself by myself)

Klemen, The Man That Came Up With Coupling

A Photo Of The Coupling Man Klemen On-Stage In An Opera

We could also call Klemen the loving father (and mother) of Coupling. He has a degree in media communication, and started his career in photography, marketing and journalism. However, he was also a good singer. When he won the national singing competition, he knew he had to do something about it. Soon, he enrolled in the art university of Graz and obtained an MA in opera singing. He sang in many European opera houses as an operatic soloist, getting great roles with his charming bass baritone voice. But, Klemen is a person that’s always bursting with ideas. So, he kept working working in marketing, project management and photography.

Books, games and fantasy have been his main interest ever since he was a little boy. He learnt by heart every new board game he could get his hands on! Very soon, he started inventing his own board games and then teaching his friends to play them. While he was studying for his master’s degree in opera singing, he was also in two start-up companies. With many different projects underway, he still found the time to play board games! Not just that: He noticed a problem with many of the party games he played. These games just weren’t as fulfilling as they could’ve been. And so, the idea for Coupling (the Game), was born.

Recently, he worked as the lead product marketing manager for the biggest Slovenian petrol company, but he left the job to follow his dream to live a purely creative life. Now, he works as a singing teacher and dedicates the rest of his time to Coupling (while working on many other projects along the way, too!).

The Thing About Lorenzo Parpignol, Our Toymaker-turned-PR-Guy

Toy Factory Owner Lorenzo In An Opera

You’ve seen the face of Lorenzo on our Facebook page, you’ve seen him on our blog. But, who is he, really? Why is he a valuable asset to the team?

Well, you see, Lorenzo comes from a long family line of toymakers. And he’s been in love with making various games ever since he was a boy. He thought making games would be his only passion in life, until his mother brought home a vinyl of Puccini’s La Boheme. First he listened to it once, then twice, then he listened to it for a whole day. He was enchanted. After his father passed away, he left him the large family toy factory. Immediately, he knew what he needed to do: It was time to repurpose the old toy factory hall into an opera house. Unfortunately, Lorenzo has no idea about running an opera house except for knowing a ton of operas by heart. So, he came to the Opera Games team for help.

He’s somehow convinced us to oversee the production of our games and be our PR-Spokesperson. He will produce our games in his toy factory. In exchange, we will help him build his opera house into an respectable establishment.

Quick to think, quicker to talk, ambitious and cartoonishly adorable, Lorenzo has proven to be just what the team needed.

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